Far greater threats come in the form of habitat destruction/alteration, contamination/pesticide and herbicide use, non-native species (i.e. However, due to the fossorial and nocturnal habits of this form, as well as its limited period of activity, collection is unlikely to be of concern to its survival or viability. Several states offer the Pale Milksnake some form of protection from collection. the snake ingested an insectivorous prey item) rather than intentional predation. Historical records of invertebrate predation in Lampropeltis triangulum have recently been refuted under the premise that invertebrate remains in the digestive tract are likely the result of secondary ingestion (i.e. Known food items for this form include small mammals and Squamate reptiles (notably, Sceloporus and Aspidoscelis). Like other members of the Colubrid tribe Lampropeltini, Lampropeltis triangulum multistriata is a vertebrate specialist. This form lays 2-10 leathery, oblong eggs which hatch in August or September. Mating takes place soon after emergence from brumation in the Spring, with oviposition occurring in June or July. Like all members of the genus Lampropeltis, the Pale Milksnake is oviparous. Though most active during moist conditions, the presence of surface water is not a prerequisite for Lampropeltis triangulum multistriata populations. This form is largly fossorial and nocturnal. The Pale Milksnake inhabits sandhills, prairies, canyons, semi-deserts, rocky escarpments, riparian areas, and mountain foothills and valleys. Intergrade zones are generally characterized by animals with an appearance that is intermediate between the adjacent subspecies, though certain individuals may more closely resemble populations at either extreme. taylori) in northwestern Colorado and, presumably, southwestern Wyoming. syspila) along the Missouri River Valley in eastern Nebraska and South Dakota, and with the Utah Milksnake ( L. The Pale Milksnake also intergrades with the Red Milksnake ( L. gentilis) in southwestern Nebraska, northwestern Kansas, and northeastern Colorado. This form intergrades with the very similar Central Plains Milksnake ( L. The known range for Lampropeltis triangulum multistriata extends from central and eastern Montana south through central and eastern Wyoming, central and western South Dakota, and through most of Nebraska. Further notes on this are included under the Taxonomic Notes heading below. The scientific name of Lampropeltis triangulum multistriata is alternately spelled Lampropeltis triangulum multistrata. No other species within the range of the Pale Milksnake is known to exhibit a similar color or pattern. The scales of the white, cream, or gray background coloration are generally variably flecked with dark pigment in a trait known as "news-printing". The venter, in turn, may be immaculate white or variably patterned with black pigment. The colored bands or saddles may or may not reach the venter, are known to vary in number from 20 to 36, and may occasionally be interrupted mid-dorsally by black pigment. The form is characterized by a tri-colored pattern of red or orange bands or saddles which are bordered on either side by black bands of variable width, and set on a white to cream or gray background. Scales are smooth and glossy in appearance, and are found in 21 (rarely 23) rows at mid-body. Adults average 45-75 cm (~18-30 inches) in total length.